
What my clients say about me

“Mike has totally changed my relationship with exercise, nutrition and taking care of my body. As someone who previously wouldn’t step foot in a gym, he has pushed me to be more confident and challenge myself to reach my goals. So glad I took this step with Mike and grateful to him everyday!”

Personal Training Client

“Hitting 30 done me dirty and for the past couple of years I buried my head in the sand! This year I decided to get my act together and do something about it! I have never had the ‘gym bug’ and it’s completely out of my comfort zone, I headed to the world of the internet and came across Mike at pure gym, I read his story and I thought ‘he gets it’ Mike had clearly ‘been there and got the t-shirt’ and he was exactly who I was looking for! From the first message I sent on instagram I have felt at ease – 4 sessions down, many more to go!.”

Personal Training Client

“I’ve only had 4 sessions with Mike so far but the experience has been transformative. Mike’s tailored workouts and expert guidance have improved my fitness level in this short period.

His motivational approach keeps me committed, making each session enjoyable. Highly recommended for anyone serious about achieving fitness goals.”

Personal Training Client

“Mike ensures that my technique is always correct to avoid any injuries. On top of that, Mike is extremely reliable & punctual – always set up & ready to start training ahead of time, with an exercise routine planned.

If motivation, flexibility, and a personal approach is what you’re looking for in a PT, then Mike is the man for you!.

I am so pleased to have Mike as my PT.”

Personal Training Client

“I’ve been going to Michael’s classes 3 times a week for the last few months & I’m really noticing my body changing & getting fitter!

Great instructor & the strength training for me whilst coping with perimenopause is helping so much…..”

Class Attendee

“As someone that has wanted to work out and get fitter for a long time, I  always thought about going to a gym, but the thought of going in and not knowing what to do always worried me and caused a lot of anxiety. 

Michael has not only given me the confidence to get over those fears but followed me up and planned things for me in a way that I can clearly see results. I so appreciate the app we use to follow the programs and the fact that he can follow my progress through it is brilliant. I feel excited and super confident about continuing working out. For not having a PT in person, this is by far the best I could have expected. Would highly recommend him.”

Online Coaching Client