Christmas Shred

There’s just 7 weeks left until the new year. That’s still time to lose up to 1 stone, end the year feeling great and set yourself up for an even better, healthier 2024.

Did you have a resolution to drop weight in 2023? Didn’t go to plan? Well… it’s not too late! Don’t go into 2024 making the same resolution that you’re not going to stick to again!

I know first-hand what it’s like to want to do something about your weight and health but feel it’s so daunting that you don’t know where to start, to feel trapped in your body and to have it hold you back from being yourself and doing what you want to do. Check out my full story here.

All for a one-off cost of £150

Give me a call or complete the form below to apply to join my Xmas Shred and I will be in touch with next steps. You don’t have to pay anything until we’ve had your online consultation and you’ve decided you’d like to work with me!

What you’ll receive:

  • Tailored exercise plan to suit your goals and life, whether in the gym or at home
  • Tailored nutrition plan
  • Weekly check-ins with me for accountability, monitoring and tracking progress