My journey over the past 5-6 years has taken me from an overweight, self-conscious, unhappy person to a confident, gym-loving husband and father – things I never thought I would be.
Losing weight completely changed my life in so many ways, big and small. I’ve already mentioned the big things but the smaller things all make such a difference too! Take something as simple as wearing shorts and a t-shirt out in hot weather – I just couldn’t! I hated my body so much that I wanted to hide it. Now, I can’t wait to get a pair of shorts on and happily wear nothing but a t-shirt.. even if it’s snug! In fact, the snugger, the better these days! Gotta show off your hard work!
Why am I sharing this? Because it is all part of my realisation that our bodies can do amazing things if we really want it and are willing to work hard.
Over recent years I have had many messages from my Instagram followers asking how I did it, asking me for help and tips, and telling me that I’ve motivated them to do something about their weight or fitness. This has been amazing and I know what has worked for me, so I can talk about that but I want to be able to really help others and better understand all of this on a much more academic, professional level so I can truly inspire and guide others.
So, where am I going with this?
I have decided that the only natural progression is for me to study to become a Personal Trainer and Online Coach – and that’s exactly what I am now doing! I’ve enrolled with The Training Room and have started my Level 2 Gym Instructor Diploma and will Immediately move onto Level 3 Personal Trainer and then ultimately look to become a Weight Loss and Nutrition specialist.
I currently have a day job, of course, a Digital Manager, which I love and will keep doing, so my intention is to offer coaching and PT sessions in my free time – ultimately becoming an extension of my passion!
I’ll be using this blog to update followers on my progress from study and through to qualification and will be posting updates on my ever ongoing body transformation!
Wish me luck!